Staff Cultural Fit: We live by the values of Character, Commitment  and Confidence.

Character : Self Worth: We believe

  • That every child deserves a champion – someone that believes in them  
  • Developing who you are and what you want to become is a lifelong journey, but one that starts in, and is shaped by, the formative years of school. 
  • That every child will be supported to make the most of every opportunity given, have high expectations of themselves and high standards.
  • That self worth is vital to happiness if you don’t feel good about yourself, it will be hard to feel good about anything else. Therefore At Atlantic we reward every aspect of achievement; attendance, effort, progress, engagement, outstanding work. This allows us to develop the self worth of everyone regardless of their current academic ability.

Commitment: Engagement: We believe …

  • Everyone should be committed to provide the highest level of teaching and children should take pride in their learning
  • People who live a fulfilling and happy life have the capacity to see the beauty and meaning in things that at first might seem onerous and dull. It is the role of a good school to develop this capacity in their children so that they have a lifelong love of the world around them. 
  • A good school will light the spark of curiosity within every child,  enabling them to find pleasure in everyday things and the inner drive to deal with challenges they face. 
  • That perseverance and resilience are catalysts for success.
  • That every child should have the confidence to see they can do whatever they want to do in their future with hard work.
  • Even when everything is going wrong, still having the strength and attitude to get on with the task to try to complete successfully.

Confidence: Purpose: We believe..

  • Every day is a new opportunity allowing us to improve upon the last.
  • That every child has potential and that it is our privilege to uncover it.
  • Staff know that what they are doing day in day out is genuinely making a radical difference to the life chances of our children and how critically valuable and important that is.
  • Every child will have the courage to work hard when times are challenging, and know we are there to guide them.


Where next

Admissions and Appeals

Admission Information The admission arrangements for the Academy, subject to any changes approved by the Secretary of State, for subsequent years are: In the primary…

Apply for a place at Atlantic Academy

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