Our Reception curriculum is designed to enable all pupils to develop their independent learning skills, enabling them to grow into happy, confident students who are ready to start the next stage of their learning journey in Key Stage 1.


By the end of the year, our aim is that our students are confident in the following areas;

  • Read and write full sentences;
  • Work confidently with numbers up to 20;
  • Form friendships and work as a team
  • Manage their own feelings and behaviour;
  • Know how to stay safe and healthy at school and at home;
  • Experience activities and events that are new to them


We assess children’s development throughout Reception with daily observations of their interactions and play, as well as through more structured learning opportunities, such as reading or writing in small groups with a teacher. Assessments are carried out using an online journal named ‘Tapestry’, this creates a seamless dialogue between the Academy and parents/careers.

We map each child’s progress against Development Matters statements, which allows us to identify areas of strength, as well as the key next steps for each child.


As with all areas of our Primary phase curriculum, all of our learning in Reception  is linked to a central topic, such as All About Me or Seasides. Our topic mapping has been specially designed to support the needs of the students at Atlantic in addition to supporting the 7 areas of learning the Early Years curriculum focuses on.

During a ‘typical’ Academy day in Reception we will start the day with Phonics and Talk 4 Writing. We then study Maths before attending Family Dining at Lunch time. After Lunch we have our Independent Learning time – where we explore the tasks and activities in the Reception Learning space.We aim to ensure all students in Reception are read with every single day.

Curriculum Enrichment

We have the opportunity to go on a number of trips and experiences through the Year such as a trip to Kingston Maurward, our local library and a visit to our Local Farm.

Reception takes part in ‘Beach School’ throughout the academic year. Each week we take the children down to a variety of beaches in our local area to explore our natural environment and learn. Beach school is a great way to encourage children to not only work as part of a team, but to also explore and think independently whilst being guided in a safely assessed session. 

Home Learning

In Reception it is essential that students read every day to support their development in early reading. 10 minutes reading a day to an adult will support the academic work your child completed in class. All students are expected to bring their book bag into school every day with a signed reading log.

Communication with parents

We know that by working in Partnership with parents and carers will ensure the students at our school have the very best start to their educational career.

We ensure all staff are available every morning at drop off and pick up, and a termly newsletter and digital letters are shared with details about events and/or activities. We report students’ progress 2 times a year with a data report demonstrating progress and twice a year we hold a consultation meeting discussing your child’s progress and next steps.
Our online Learning journal Tapestry will ensure that communication and daily activities are communicated easily and will ensure that any developments at home can be shared with your child’s class teacher.  

Where next

Admissions and Appeals

Admission Information The admission arrangements for the Academy, subject to any changes approved by the Secretary of State, for subsequent years are: In the primary…

Apply for a place at Atlantic Academy

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