Welcome to the PTA
The PTA is made up of parents, teachers and any other volunteer who would like to get involved with the academy fundraising.
The purpose of the PTA is to raise funds which enable the children to engage in extra curricular activities, special purchases not usually provided by the academy and to put on a variety of events for the pupils, parents and the local community.
In the past, the monies raised have been used for visits to the school by various organisations, including a mobile planetarium and a ‘Bugfest’, to subsidise trips and transport for competitions like the Global Rock dance challenge.
This year we have decided to focus mainly on fundraising to improve the outside areas for all children. In the spring we held an adult Race Night which raised £1400. This has been ‘ring fenced’ specifically for us to make match funding applications.
We have a school lottery set up by one of our volunteers last year and this has the potential to bring in good revenue. Due to the name change the link to this is unavailable at this time but will be updated here as soon as possible so please keep checking back.
Another way you can help is by signing up to the Easyfundraising app. This app is totally free to use. If you do online shopping there are 100’s of well known retailers signed up to it, all you do is shop via the app and every single purchase you make generates funds for our organisation at no extra cost to yourself. It doesn’t matter if you already use this for a different cause as you can switch between causes as you wish. For more information please follow this link:
We always need volunteers, whether it’s helping to organise events, helping at events or just coming up with new ideas. We aim to hold termly meetings, sometimes more frequent if our time allows, but we realise it is hard for people to attend meetings (it’s also hard to organise a convenient time for everybody), so please don’t feel that if you can’t attend, that you won’t be able to help in any way.
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Support your new School Lottery